Saturday, May 2, 2009

I don't know how else to help you...

I so needed a word from God about how I was supposed to handle a situation with my cousin this
week. I have said over and over this phrase... "I don't know how else to help you..."
and in my quiet time last night, I was reading in Galatians and Paul said this in his letter to them...

Galatians 4:20..."I don't know how else to help you."

He has been pleading with the church of Galacia to stop reverting back to the same old bad habits that they were used to before they came to know Christ, but to live in freedom.

Galatians 4:12..."I plead with you to live as I do in freedom from these things..."

These so-called "Laws" that we have been told that we must live by to be Christian...

What exactly are those laws?

Are they man-made, or are they biblical?

Are you struggling to live a life of freedom?

Are you bound by something that you can't break free from?

My only advise to you is to replace the bad habit that you know you are bound to, with a life-giving habit...

Do something "good" when you feel like doing that "bad" something...

I thank God that he hears our prayer and that he speaks a word to our heart when we seek him...

I feel better knowing that I don't have to know what to do about the situation with my cousin, I
just have to do what Christ would do... And that is...Love...

Easier said than done so if you could remember me in your prayers tonight, I'd appreciate it.

Believe God Today fors omething BIG!!!

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