Thursday, January 10, 2013

My word for 2013

As I began praying about my word for 2013 I was reading my devotional calendar and it talked about us needing to be spiritually anchored and focused on the One true God. I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and I didn't think that I put anything ahead of Him, but in just the few short days of this new year, I've found myself pulled and stretched in so many different directions that it has taken a toll on my health, and mental state. I'm not handling things like I use to, I'm irritated too easily, and mostly, I'm just a little unsettled by all the changes taking place around me.

I've decided that my word is ONE.

I'll be more focused on ONE thing at a time...ONE job...ONE person at a time...more time with the ONE who gives life more abundantly. And certainly about the only ONE I can do anything about and that is me.

My devotional thought for today is very appropriate as I write these words...

We don't want to be women who hear the truth but seldom act in faith to appropriate it for our lives. We don't want to be forever grappling with doubt, fear, insecurity, and uncertainty. We want to live life on purpose and with purpose.
I choose ONE...

Happy New Year!
Lea Anne

1 comment:

Cindy in PA said...

Thank you for sharing your word for 2013. I like the way you defined it and look forward to reading how One enriches your life this year. Blessings!