I'm sitting at my desk and thinking about so many things this morning and I felt the need to put some thoughts on paper.... I am at a point in my life where my oldest child is about to go away to college and what I feel most for her is excitement at the opportunity... I don't so much feel any sadness that she will be leaving home, because I can remember how it felt when I went away to school and I want to invoke that same feeling into her. It does bring me to the topic of my blog today about relationships needing to be kindled... We have to invest ourselves in other people around us and prop them up when they need it or, stand back when they need that too. I am always grateful for friends and family that I can depend on but I also know that I have to be dependable as well... I want to challenge you to be intentional in the lives of those around you... Be an encouragement to someone who needs a little boost. Be thoughtful to someone who may feel neglected or lonely and don't take for granted that the other people in your life know how you feel... Show them every day in some little or big way that they are important to you.. When life circumstances changes our paths, we can look back on the past and feel confident that someone somewhere loves us...
I just wanted to share with you the thoughts as they were going through my mind this morning...
Take a moment and notice someone today.
Lea Anne
This someone here loves you and misses you very much!!!! Can't wait to see you again!
Lea Anne,
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.You said some things that I really needed to hear. People are the most important things in our lives and we should let them know way more often than I do. Let me know when you come home next, I will make it a point to get to see you.
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